Ways to Give

Below you will find a myriad of ways in which you can help contribute to the Miracle in the Making capital campaign.
Simply click on a category that best suits you, and find out how you can give or save to help out MITM. If there are
other creative ways that you can think of, that aren’t listed below, please let us know by clicking here.

12 Creative Ways

Be a coupon clipper Food is probably the largest expense we have each month.  Using food coupons can save $30-$40 per week. Donating that $30 a week over three years totals $4,680.

Give up a habit For example, a gourmet coffee each day for three years can cost over $3,000.

Commit your income tax refund check to the Lord for the three-year period.

Commit an estimated raise in salary to the Lord for the next three years.

Adjust your vacations For one or more years of the three-year period, do something close and inexpensive like day hikes or picnics.  Or take a three-day vacation instead of a week and save on the airfare and hotel costs.  This can save $ 1,000 to $2,000 easily.

Make a commitment to drink only water at a restaurant One person could save $5 a week or more. That’s a minimum of $780 just for drinking water!

Wait for a movie to come out on video instead of seeing it at the theater One trip to the movie theater can cost over $30 with popcorn and candy for two people. If you cut out two movies per month, that’s over $2,000 over three years.

Cut down to basic cable instead of premium cable with movie channels Premium cable could be as much as $150 a month. By cutting back to basic cable, you could save up to $4,000 over three years.

Put off a discretionary major purchase and redirect the money to the campaign For example, delaying the purchase of a home theater system could enable you to contribute $2,000 to Miracle in the Making.

Donate your collectibles You may have treasures sitting in your home, such as coins, stamps, baseball cards, art or other collections of worth.  Consider parting with these items by getting them appraised, selling them, and donating the revenue to Miracle in the Making.

Donate land and/or real estate Selling land or real estate of which you are not getting use, may generate tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Donate other assets of worth Do you have jewelry, or an extra boat, car, or motorcycle lying around? Prayerfully consider donating them to the church to defray the cost of our building expansion.


Save the change Start saving your change. From now on when you get home, unload your pockets and whatever change you have left in them, put inside a jar/bucket/5 gallon jug. If you are really feeling adventurous, put a single, five, ten or twenty in from time to time. At the end of the year, you could potentially have close to $500.
Potential Savings
$500/yr x 3 years = $1,500

Become a homebody Instead of eating out stay in or invite friends over.
Potential Savings
Eating out: 2/month x 36 months x $20 per occurrence =  $1,440

Team up for baby-sitting Instead of paying a baby-sitter start asking a relative, neighbor or friend and trade off watching each other's kids.
Potential Savings
2/month x 36 months x $30 per occurrence = $2,160